BNPS Ensembles News - Term 1 2022
Welcome. Thanks for visiting.
Please find an update on the BHPS Ensembles Program for Term 1.
- Ensembles News
- Diary dates to make a note of
- Invitation for all parents to join us at a Meet and Greet Evening on Thursday 24 March
Around the Ensembles
Junior Band - Mr Strykowski
Mr Strykowski (Mr S) is working on the fundamentals of playing together, watching the conductor and listening to each other, all while the children try to manage their way around an instrument. There are lots of fireworks going off in their brains as they learn to multi-task in a unique way. We have recently welcomed two new band members and a few more are due to join up this week. It's great to see our numbers growing.
Senior Band - Mr Bullough
Angus is continuing on with last year's Junior Band, developing their ensemble and technical skills further. They are a small group but make a good sound and have lots of enthusiasm. After rehearsing on zoom for half of last year whilst they were still new to their instruments, it is fantastic to see that this group of musicians haven’t lost their motivation and are really enjoying playing with each other again.
Concert Band - Mr Strykowski
Our most experienced musicians are reviewing the basics of playing in a team, tuning and listening to each other. The music they are playing is more complex than previous years and requires application of the skills being learnt in private lessons and at rehearsals. They had their first performance to the Year 3 and 4 children and the students and Mr S demonstrated instruments for the audience members. They did a fantastic job. Congratulations to our two 2022 band leaders – Callum and Karina.
Beginner Strings – Mr Paterson
We have a very engaged group of children in this first year of our beginner strings program, which is fantastic. This is different to the band rehearsals as Mr Paterson is teaching the children the basics of playing their instrument as well as how to work together as a group. They are progressing well after only a few lessons.
Get Involved
We have a wonderful band committee who are working hard to ensure that your children have a great time in band. We are keen to see the program grow and produce high quality music and musicians. We are always grateful for assistance with the operations of the program.
Most urgently we would like to fill the job that has the ‘most FUN’ in it – the FUNdraising Coordinator (Sorry Dad joke!). We currently have a position open for a fundraising coordinator (or two) who will oversee our fundraising initiatives and liaise with the P&C fundraising team so that events are coordinated across the year. This is a FUN role and well supported by other committee members and of course it can be a shared role too. Please consider joining us and get in touch if you would like more information. or Caroline 0403 579 130.
Ensembles Committee
Our 2022 committee members will be confirmed at our AGM next week and we will introduce them at the Meet and Greet afterwards on Thursday 24 March (see below). In the meantime, the band team are continuing to provide you and your children with great service and a positive band experience.
Please contact us via if you have questions or need any information.
We are always looking at how best to streamline communication so your inboxes and messaging services aren’t overloaded. There is a structure in place that we hope will provide you with all the information you need to know.
Information will generally be e-mailed to parents regarding activities/initiatives with reminders/follow ups via what’s app. Other sources of information include the school app and newsletter and the ensembles website
For information specific to your child’s Band
For day-to-day questions/information about your child’s band please contact your band liaison as below. Each of these groups has a What’s App set up for easy communication eg absences, confirming details of performances/rehearsals etc. Junior Band – Pip Perkins 0404 837 238
Senior Band – Mandy Hunt 0413 005 580
Concert Band – Michelle Wood 0412 229 104
Strings – Caroline Fechner (Acting). 0403 579 130 We are seeking a parent liaison for this role.
Band Program Manager – Caroline Fechner 0403 579130 – overview and operations of the program
Questions/Information about overall program
We will provide updates to parents about the progress of the bands and the band program as needed. You are welcome to ask questions or raise concerns at any time, directly with us or come along to a committee meeting. These are held approximately once a term. Please notify your intent to attend ahead of time.
Questions such as your child’s experience of being in band, instrument selection, arrange a meeting with the conductor or confidential/sensitive information should be directed to Caroline Fechner directly via text on 0403 579 130.
Other ways you can find information are via e-mail or the website.
Performances and Events
We have mapped out a performance schedule for the year – there may be some changes as things crop up. Our website has a calendar section which will show you when these performances are and include links to more details as the events get closer. We are in the process of updating it so keep an eye out for new dates. Website address:
Plus ...... check out the Diary Dates section below.
Ensemble Fees
Thank you to those families who have already paid their fees. The fee invoices were issued last week with a letter of explanation regarding the fee structure, including a slight increase in Term 3. Our membership numbers have taken a hit over the last two years so we are re-building, and with the funding support of the P&C we are in a good position. This has enabled us to keep the fees at a very reasonable level considering the extensive expertise of the conductors and the band management team that we have on board. Of course, we are also supported by an enthusiastic team of volunteers.
You can use your Creative Kids Voucher of $100 towards your fees. Please complete the Claim 2022 NSW Creative Kids Voucher if you would like to take advantage of this.
If you have any questions about fees please contact Mandy Hunt -
Diary Dates – make a note Band Workshop Afternoon – Saturday 30 April 12pm to 5.30pm at school.
Compulsory attendance for all band and strings members. More details to come but put it in your diary now.
Mother’s Day Breakfast – Thursday 5 May – Senior Band and Concert Band.
Morning - Timing to be confirmed
Northern Beaches Instrumental Festival – late May/early June – Timings to be confirmed