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Keeping in Touch
We are always looking at how best to streamline communication so your inboxes and messaging services aren’t overloaded. There is a structure in place that we hope will provide you with all the information you need to know.
Information will generally be e-mailed to parents regarding activities/initiatives with reminders/follow ups via what’s app. Other sources of information include the school app and newsletter and the ensembles website
For information specific to your child’s Band
For day-to-day questions/information about your child’s band please contact your band liaison as below. Each of these groups has a What’s App set up for easy communication eg absences, confirming details of performances/rehearsals etc.
Junior Band – Sarah Skold
Senior Band – Pippa Lester
Concert Band – Kristen Blackwell
Strings – Caroline Fechner
Band Program Manager – Caroline Fechner – overview and operations of the program
Questions/Information about overall program
We will provide updates to parents about the progress of the bands and the band program as needed. You are welcome to ask questions or raise concerns at any time, directly with us or come along to a committee meeting. These are held approximately once a term. Please notify your intent to attend ahead of time.
Questions such as your child’s experience of being in band, instrument selection, arrange a meeting with the conductor or confidential/sensitive information should be directed to Caroline Fechner directly via text on 0403 579 130.
Other ways you can find information are via e-mail or the website.